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Thursday, February 10, 2011

God why do you feel so distant sometimes.....

Have you ever had the feeling that Gods Spirit has left you? Maybe you had a rough day, an argument, or even found yourself judging someone, and then the conviction settled in. Sometimes it feels as if His prescence just Flees So distant.... so quiet... so far away. None of this is true. God promised us in His word that we would never be alone. Not ever, not even now. He is with us by His Holy Spirit until the end of this age.

“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.” Hebrew's 13:5

So where does this feeling, this sense of loneliness, unworthiness come from? God is not a man that He should lie, nor does He go back on his promises. I am guilty when it comes to this. Sometimes when the sun goes down I don't feel I have done all I should, or could have, but those are worries that are not within reason. I stat to almost imagine God How is it that when we are in church we feel His prescence thick in the air, in the cries of His people, in the Worship, and in praise? Part of our walk with God is living an intentional life, and remembering His promises, so that they may come to fruition. No one man ever heard the audible voice of God, or has even seen Him and lived to tell about it. So how do we know He is with us?

In the natural, I could look to the right or left, up or down or even in a mirror and I wont see him but I know in my heart He is there, everywhere. In this day in age we MUST walk by Faith and not by sight. We have to have the hope that He is wherever we go, that His Spirit is within us, and If He promises that He WILL deliver! This takes a Supernatural awareness. I really believe that the distance we can sometimes feel is due to us taking steps back. God is the same as He was yesterday, today, and He will NEVER change! Sure the enemy, or even a rough day can cause us to not feel so "Spiritual", but ultimately we must make that choice for ourselves, that nothing can separate us from HIS love. Nothing! If you don't make that choice for you, then who will? I don't know why I started to write this today, but I know it was meant to be for someone out there.... someone who feels distant, they can hardly remember what it feels like to feel Gods power, His mercy, and forgiveness. This is for you.

Bottom line is , are we always going to feel the Goosebumps, the flowing tears, or even screaming out in worship every minute of everyday just to feel His prescence? Probably not, but we must acknowledge His Holy Prescence everywhere we go, and we must never forget that we serve a Holy, and mighty and powerful God that cares, more than we know, more than we give Him Glory for. Why can't we once in a while look up, or down or to either side and say " Thank you Lord.... for Just being you".

Let's do that now....

A little tune from Kari Jobe


Be nice, thank you.