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Monday, November 19, 2012

Grandma's Mexican Champurrado

Happy Holiday season friends!
The time is here. My mom and Grandma were visiting this weekend and I decided to ask for an authentic recipe. Grandma decided it would be best to make a full batch to kick off the Holiday season, and she would show me hands on.
Chapurrado is a hot drink made mentirely of Mexican ingredients.

Heres what you will need.

2 whole cinnamon sticks (Broken in half)
1 can evaporated milk
Whole Milk
1 bar of Chocolate Abuelita
2 whole cones of Pilonsillo (Mexican cane sugar)
2 cups of Maseca or FRESH PLAIN MASA! Warning,(NOT Tamale Masa)
ABOUT 4 cups of lukewarm water
1 Strainer

Here we go. Start by filling a large soup pot with water half way up. Toss in your chocolate, pilonsillo, and cinnamon sticks cracked in half. Let it come to a boil. All the ingredientes will slowly melt as the water comes up to temperature.

Stir once slowly to incorporate everything. (No stirring, or the cinnamon sticks get grainy). Once all the ingredients have been melted, here is how it will look.

You will notice the cocoa has melted and will form a light foam. we are ready for the next step. In a separate bowl, take your maseca, or fresh masa, slowly pour in your warm water. WASH your hands up to your elbows, and NO manicures says grandma.
This is her method and im not getting in the way of this step, but you can use a wire whisk. Mix, mix, mix, and mash all the clumps into a smooth consistency.

Once your masa is a creamy smooth consistency, its time to add it in. Hook your strainer to the pot and slowly pour a portion using a a spoon to mill it through. with your other hand also quickly stirr to prevent clumps from forming.

Once you have strained in all your masa stirr away. The corn masa has a tendancy to stick because it becomes thick and creamy so one must stay at the stove and stirr constantly. After a few minutes of stirring dunk in your strainer to catch any lumps of masa and an bits of cinnamon that can be removed.

Now this mixture has to come to a bubbling boil for a good 5 minutes so the masa cooks, and theres no raw flavor.

Now its time to add the milk, slowly pour in your evaporated milk, and finally your whole milk.

stirr once more and remove from the heat. Its ready!
Time to enjoy a nice hot mug of this mexican yumminess.

You will notice that when it cools, it tends to thicken, but when its time to reheat again, have some hot boiling water handy to think out the consistency, and its perfect once again.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers, and friends who take the time to read my blogs, I had no idea how many of you read and share with others until you told me!
I am personally thankful for everyone in my life, and all who have encouraged me, and lifted me up and never gave up on me. My heart is filled with gratitude, and words cannot express how much joy there is in my heart today.

Have a blessed Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!!! I love the pictures and you sharing of the lovely heritage we have!


Be nice, thank you.